
Teen Wolf’s Season Ender Still Has Me Puzzled

I’m puzzled about how I feel about the season finale of Teen Wolf.

If you haven’t watched the season finale of Teen Wolf: WARNING, there are spoilers ahead.

I’m puzzled. Not about the show, although that last scene raised my eyebrows as I had a half-second flash of What? Was it all a dream? before my brain caught up and I realized that probably wasn’t what was happening at all.

No, I’m puzzled about how I feel about it all. I don’t know. I kind of expected something better. The little bardo thing felt kind of, uh, lame? I don’t know. I wasn’t thrilled with it, I guess. I had seriously hoped Scott was going to show he had some more hidden cleverness tucked away in his brain somewhere. I adore poor Scott but it’s pretty clear he isn’t much more than a bleeding heart without his friends. Maybe I just need to watch it again—but I don’t feel like it. Not right now anyway.

So, some thoughts

Danny knowing about werewolves. Cute. Maybe too cute.

Scott’s dad sticking around, possibly. I’m good with that.

Isaac not returning (picked that up from an interview, not from the season ending episode). Eh, ambivalent. I can see why the character might choose to stay away, so I’m sure it will work fine for the show. But I’m going to seriously miss Isaac. He brought a lot of humor to the show!

Derek … getting shot?! No!!! Typically, the end of season cliffhangers haven’t been that big and this one is going to torture me all spring, until the show returns in late June. Argh!

On the other hand, I can see Kate’s return as something quite interesting, although without Allison there, I’m not sure it’ll be more than Ooh, goody, a strong villainess!

And if Derek dies, well, I’m gonna bail. That sounds mean, but there are a few characters on this show that if they died, I don’t think I’d care how it was handled, I’d quit watching. Of course, the show runners can do what they want, so I’m not saying this for any other reason than that it just wouldn’t be the same for me and I admit, I tend to lose faith in shows quickly when too many changes happen too quickly.

My list of no-go characters on Teen Wolf

  • Scott McCall (of course!)
  • Stiles Stilinski
  • Sheriff Stilinski
  • Melissa McCall
  • Derek Hale (gotta have at least one born werewolf and he’s my pick)

I’ll miss many others if they depart, but I’d live, and I’d keep watching. (I lived through Jackson’s departure, and I’m accepting of Allison’s death, and those were huge, as far as I’m concerned.) :D

Get rid of any of those people above, and I’d have to think long and hard before I’d be even possibly interested in keeping up with the show.

Any thoughts?


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