Science Fiction Television

I’ve got questions! What the Atlantis season opener didn’t tell me…

Okay, I’ve watched the Atlantis season premier episode Search and Rescue and overall I was very pleased. Still, I’m holding off my review because I was left with several questions I’m going to have to find answers for before I can write my comments on the episode (that little block of text on the episode detail page where I say something meaningful–one hopes–about the show).

Possible spoilers follow.

Science Fiction Television

As BSG’s end nears, my nerves wear thin

It’s interesting to note that although I enjoy Battlestar Galactica, I’m becoming a nervous wreck as I watch the episodes. It’s the final season, and inevitably that means someone–or many someones–is going to die. Not that I’m spoiling here, because this is all speculation based on the episodes I’ve seen to date.

As the series winds up, I grow entirely too nervous to watch live. After this latest episode, The Ties That Bind, I think I’m going to start DVRing at least three or four episodes before I watch–hell, I might just skip all of them until the series is over and then spend a Saturday with the rest of the final season.

My nerves are short and I have little patience with drawn out story lines at this point. I know that to pull it all together everything can’t come out rosy, but oh how I wish that it would.

All I can say is that I sincerely hope the show doesn’t become unwatchable in reruns (on DVD of course), with the death of too many sympathetic characters. Quantum Leap, a long ago favorite of mine was relegated to the never-watch-again category after its they-might-as-well-have-stabbed-out-my-heart ending.

This is my plea to the creators of BSG–please don’t ruin the rewatchability of this favorite!

Update: Blah. I don’t think I will ever watch this show again. The ending wasn’t bad, per se, but it didn’t leave me feeling particularly warm and fuzzy about old episodes either. I am notoriously hung up on the big picture when I watch a series and I can’t watch individual episodes as stand alone material. The big picture for Battlestar Galactica didn’t turn out to be that compelling for me.

Sci-fi fantasies