I had never heard of Sleepy Hollow, mainly because my life has been full of other things this last year and I haven’t had time to keep looking for new shows to take up my valuable—but in short supply—time, when I came across a reference to it somewhere online. I don’t even remember where, but I was intrigued enough to do a Google search and discover the show was a new series that had only aired 2 episodes at the time.

Woo hoo, I thought. Something shiny and pretty … then I watched the trailer and wow, I loved it. I bought the 1st episode on the spot. Then I remembered that some channels like to put their episodes online early enough to make it worth watching right on the website, so I took a look and found that FOX is one of those channels. Both episodes were already available.
At FOX: http://www.fox.com/sleepy-hollow/full-episodes
I tried watching episode 2, Blood Moon, at FOX, just to see if it would be acceptable quality and it was okay. Or maybe “meh” is a better term for it, but it was good enough. But when I went to watch the 3rd episode a week later, something was wrong with the site. I waited a day, because I wasn’t in a hurry, but even though it came back up and the video played, I decided I liked the show enough to pick it up at Amazon. :)
It’s a lovely show. Creepy and exciting, and the cast and characters are a talented bunch.
There’s even a little website for the secret map: http://welcometosleepyhollow.com/.
Here’s what the show is about, in as few words as possible. (Quotes from FOX.)
…mystery-adventure drama…
In this modern-day twist on Washington Irving’s classic…
Ichabod Crane is resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time…
…Lt. Abbie Mills … the two embark on a mission to stop the evil that has awoken along with Ichabod and that now is seeping into this once-sleepy town.
…Lives are in the balance, including that of Ichabod’s late wife, Katrina, who is trapped in a mysterious netherworld…
Shorter is better, sometimes. :)