
Isn’t It Odd How We Come to Watch Certain Shows?

I had never heard of Sleepy Hollow, mainly because my life has been full of other things this last year and I haven’t had time to keep looking for new shows to take up my valuable—but in short supply—time, when I came across a reference to it somewhere online. I don’t even remember where, but I was intrigued enough to do a Google search and discover the show was a new series that had only aired 2 episodes at the time.

Sleepy Hollow

Woo hoo, I thought. Something shiny and pretty … then I watched the trailer and wow, I loved it. I bought the 1st episode on the spot. Then I remembered that some channels like to put their episodes online early enough to make it worth watching right on the website, so I took a look and found that FOX is one of those channels. Both episodes were already available.


I tried watching episode 2, Blood Moon, at FOX, just to see if it would be acceptable quality and it was okay. Or maybe “meh” is a better term for it, but it was good enough. But when I went to watch the 3rd episode a week later, something was wrong with the site. I waited a day, because I wasn’t in a hurry, but even though it came back up and the video played, I decided I liked the show enough to pick it up at Amazon. :)

It’s a lovely show. Creepy and exciting, and the cast and characters are a talented bunch.

There’s even a little website for the secret map:

Here’s what the show is about, in as few words as possible. (Quotes from FOX.)

…mystery-adventure drama…

In this modern-day twist on Washington Irving’s classic…

Ichabod Crane is resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time…

…Lt. Abbie Mills … the two embark on a mission to stop the evil that has awoken along with Ichabod and that now is seeping into this once-sleepy town.

…Lives are in the balance, including that of Ichabod’s late wife, Katrina, who is trapped in a mysterious netherworld…

Shorter is better, sometimes. :)

Fantasy Television

Grimm’s Future Not So Grim

grimm According to TV By the Numbers’ recent article on the topic of cancellation and renewal predictions, Grimm’s fate is looking good. That’s good news for this fan, because Grimm just happens to be one of my favorites to come out of the 2011 season of new shows.

Grimm is a paranormal fantasy series about a homicide police detective who finds out he’s a Grimm, descended from a long line of Grimms able to pick out a variety of mythological creatures and tell them apart from regular humans. The show makes for an interesting combination of police procedural and fantasy series, setting it apart from the equally fantastic Once Upon a Time, also a fairy-tale based fantasy TV series from 2011.

Will There Be a Second Season of Grimm?

NBC hasn’t had many hits lately, or at least nothing I’m still watching except for Chuck, which is in its final season. I tried Prime Suspect, because I am a fan of crime and mystery TV (probably one reason I like Grimm so much) but the show was dark, depressing, and generally unlikeable and has already been canceled. Why does this matter? Because Grimm is one of the few new shows doing well on NBC. That’s excellent news for the future of the show and greatly increases the chance of renewal for a second season of Grimm! :)

Science Fiction Television

Fringe Renewed for a Season Four

If you loved the show, why not buy it on DVD? Fringe: The Complete First Season and Fringe: The Complete Second Season.

The news is out that Fringe has been renewed for a set of 22 episodes, making it a full season renewal for the show. Many fans were worried Fox wouldn’t choose to renew the series for a half-season, so this full season pick up for Fringe is good news for lots of people.

TV by the Numbers asks if DVR viewing helped save Fringe from cancellation. In a nutshell, I think the post answers: very little.

I love DVR viewing. In fact, that’s how I watch almost every show I watch on TV, and I do mean EVERY. I even record the news and watch it later. So this is sad news to me. But unfortunately, I’m not willing to give up my time any more than I already do for any of the shows I watch (which frankly feels like too much time a lot of the time anyway!)

I’m a huge fan of television series. I prefer TV over movies hands down and would love to support these shows better, but like many people, the only reason I’m able to watch the television I do watch these days is because of DVDs, DVRs, and services like Netflix, where I’m able to condense an hour of television time down to about 40 minutes.

I wrote a bunch of stuff here that went off on a tangent about ads and television, and how I don’t think ads have to ruin a show. I made it into its own post though because it was quite off the subject of Fringe’s season renewal. I hope you take the time to read it here.

I haven’t watched Fringe for a while, after losing interest in this particular television series early on because of air time conflicts. However, I’ve heard good things about it from the fans who love it, so the day will probably come when I’ll catch up and watch, as long as the Fringe writers don’t do anything stupid and ruin Fringe in the end.

Some series that I loved but will not be buying on DVD or watching again EVER for that very reason: Syfy’s Battlestar Galactica, Quantum Leap, Farscape. Many people don’t find a television series ruined by a single bad episode or two at the end of a show–or a single bad wrap up movie. I’m not one of those people.

For all the fans who care, here’s hoping Fringe has a few more great seasons ahead of it.

Fantasy Science Fiction Television

Being Human Renewed

Being Human has been renewed for a second season. The announcement came several days ago, which I happened to see on Syfy’s Twitter account.

Just today, I watched the latest episode, Dog Eat Dog, and cannot begin to express how fascinating I’m finding the relationships between Aidan, Bishop, Josh, Sally, and Rebecca. My favorite is the power plays going on inside the vampire culture. (And I don’t even like vampires!)

There are three full episodes online at Syfy for viewing, but your best bet is to catch reruns on the Syfy channel or buy episodes at Amazon or from the iTunes store.

I think the second season renewal is great news and hope the show continues to be so interesting.

What do you think of it?

Science Fiction Television

Syfy Series Renewed: Eureka, Warehouse 13, Haven

A recent Syfy tweet announced “And before we start…#Warehouse13, #Eureka & #Haven have all been renewed & we are working on new seasons, airdates TBA” (link)

So there we go.

Warehouse 13 renewed for a season 3.

Eureka renewed for a season 5.

Haven renewed for a season 2.

Fantasy Television

Being Human (Paranormal TV Series, Syfy)

Although I had never intended to watch Being Human, I’ve found I really like this television show. It’s darker than I usually enjoy but there’s something very appealing about it. Aidan tries hard to be normal while Josh just seems so earnest and Sally is sympathetic. The characters work, the setting works, the villains work: the show works.

If you haven’t watched, check it out. Being Human airs on Mondays at 8 pm central time on Syfy.

Sci-fi fantasies