Science Fiction Television

Chuck, as Delicious as Ever

Chuck premiered this week, and I DVR’d the program because it’s something I like to watch with my husband. We would fight if I watched early, and I’m lucky that I can get away with watching Stargate Atlantis and Eureka without him.

The premier of Chuck was an event I’ve been waiting for this month with baited breath. Would the show be as fresh as I remembered? Would Chuck, Sarah and Casey have the same great chemistry? Would Captain Awesome still be around?

Yes, yes and yes. And boy was I happy about all those yeses.

I was somewhat worried that the episode would be overrun with reintroduction stuff. From an article I posted a while back, Chuck Squared: Season 2 of Chuck Promises Twice the Fun, I had discovered that the writers were treating this second season premier episode as a chance to start over with the show. Not start over as in recreate the show, but starting anew with a chance to draw in new viewers. I have no way to determine if their tactic worked, but as a returning viewer, I was perfectly happy with the episode.

Casey’s particular dilemma picked up a thread from the previous season and ran with it. I loved the twist, and I love Casey. He’s a great character and Chuck, the show, wouldn’t be nearly as good without him.

In this episode, Chuck Versus the First Date, Chuck has the opportunity to see what his life might be like if he were no longer the intersect, and then of course, it’s all snatched away.

With a nice set up for episodes to come, I believe Chuck Versus the First Date has brought a favorite TV series back to the screen.

Sci-fi fantasies