
Once Upon a Time

In the modern fairytale Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan is reunited with the child she gave up as a baby. Her son, Henry, believes Emma is the long-lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and that the evil Queen has cursed Storybrooke, leaving the fairytale characters trapped in a modern world without their memories of who they once were.

Once Upon a Time from ABC - Queen Once Upon a Time from ABC - Rumpelstiltskin

The creators of the Once Upon a Time TV show hope to “not re-tell these stories but attempt to dig beneath what we all know and try to discover something new.

The Characters & Cast

  • Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison)
  • Henry (Jared Gilmore)
  • Sheriff Graham (Jamie Dornan)
  • Archie Hopper / Jiminy Cricket (Raphael Sbarge)
  • John Doe / Prince Charming (Josh Dallas)
  • Mary Margaret / Snow White (Gennifer Goodwin)
  • Mr. Gold / Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle)
  • Regina / Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla)
Sci-fi fantasies