Science Fiction Television

Dollhouse is done for and I don’t care

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This is probably a surprise, since I run the Dollhouse Fantasies Dollhouse fan site with a friend of mine. But the problem is, we’ve both been feeling the lack of love for this show for a while now.

Although I really enjoyed the new episodes of this season, they’re still not compelling me to feel sad about the demise of Dollhouse. The truth is, I’m sad that the show was never that good, but I’m not sad that the show I’ve been watching is going to be gone.

Although Renee and I won’t be taking that site down (yet), we aren’t actively updating the blog. Unfortunately, I think the show never quite had what it needed to be a really great TV show.

I was interested in how the season was going to unfold, but this is one of those instances where with the cancellation of the show, I won’t be bothering to watch future episodes. Dollhouse is done for. And I don’t care.

Do you?

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Science Fiction Television

V, a great new tv show that’s just getting better and better!

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I watched the latest episode of V yesterday and I have to say I’m more excited about this series than I expected to be. Erica and Jack are compelling characters I enjoy watching. And Anna is delightfully enigmatic and dangerous.

This show deserves a good long run and I sincerely hope the show isn’t hurt by the short 4 episode introduction we’re being given now and the long break between the resumption of the season after the new year.

My DVR is already set to record any new episodes of this show and I doubt I’ll hesitate to watch once the series returns. V had been V-ery good!

Are you watching?

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Sci-Fi Views

Sci-fi Fantasies gets something of a makeover

You might have noticed me messing around with the Sci-fi Fantasies website over the last couple of days. I’ve been tweaking and playing and I kind of like what’s come of it. I have a particular family member who thinks I’ve ruined the site by changing the header, but since it’s my site, I told her to leave me alone about it. I happen to like the simplicity of the new header and the way it leaves more room for the important stuff—like my opinion. :)

The makeover isn’t huge, but on a few pages, the changes are more substantial than on others. Take the show detail pages. I’ve moved the episode list menus to the top right to make it easier to find.

Comments are welcome, and I’m always interested to know if there’s a bug that needs working out. Thanks!

Science Fiction Television

SGU and the future of Stargate

This isn’t going to be a long drawn out post about what I don’t like about the new Stargate series, Stargate Universe. There’s more than I had hoped, but I love the concept of the show and I have high hopes that it will continue to improve with every episode.

I admit I wasn’t thrilled by the first few SGU episodes after Air. Air was a good introduction to the characters and series, but the thing that’s getting me about this series is the slowness of it all. I don’t mind waiting for a payoff, but I’ve never been a fan of dramatic series like Lost, Heroes, ER, Grey’s Anatomy, later seasons of Smallville, or any of a number of other TV series. I like the relationship aspects, but I want to see a lot more action and adventure in this show. Why can’t a more character/relationship driven series still have plenty of action?

I like action, humor, and even Battlestar Galactica. ;) However, with the later, I found I could only handle so much drama before I was ready for it to be over with.

The good thing about Stargate Universe is that with “Time“, I saw what could be. That glimpse into the future of SGU has given me great hopes for the show. With “Time,” I know there’s action and adventure to be had and some of the stuff I’ve always loved about Stargate seems to be surfacing at last—the travel, the excitement, the danger…

I saw something special in “Time” and for the first time, I saw myself as a true fan of the show.

Science Fiction Television

Sanctuary – Season 2 Starts off Strong, Maybe Too Strong For Me

I’m not a wimp (most of the time) but I do prefer TV shows that don’t encourage me to be overly emotional or that work me up into a tizzy. However, it seems more and more of my favorites and turning to drama as a way to intensify their episodes.

Sanctuary has never been a drama free show, for sure, but the beginning of season two has added in all kinds of new drama to the first few episodes.

I got a late start watching, for several reasons, the most disruptive being a dead DVR and hours of unwatched TV episodes. That was a good day from drama, for sure, but it left me without a taste for more.

When I finally got to catch up with my faves, I find out Ashley just might be dead. Talk about a mood killer. Sanctuary seemed so promising and then… that.


I’m sure I’m not alone in my disappointment. I won’t say I’m abandoning the show, because I’m really hoping for a great payoff at a later date. I’m also hoping that by the time I realize it isn’t going to happen, I will have finally gotten over her death so that I can still enjoy the show. :) I know, I don’t always make a lot of sense. But there you go. What do you think?

Science Fiction Television

Sancutary – not entirely ignored by the Emmys!

I really wasn’t expecting to find Sanctuary in the list of Emmy nominees this year, so as you can imagine, I was quite excited to see that they weren’t ignored. Sanctuary received 1 nomination in the Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series category.

Outstanding Special Visual Effects For A Series

  • Mark Scott Spatny, Visual Effects Producer; Eric Grenaudier, Visual Effects Supervisor; Gary D’Amico, Special Effects Supervisor; Michael Cook, Lead CG Artist; Daniel Kumie » Heroes
  • Armen V. » Ghost Whisperer
  • Gary Hutzel, Visual Effects Supervisor; Michael Gibson, Visual Effects Producer; Jesse Toves, CGI Artist; Sean Jackson, CGI Artist; Kyle Toucher, CGI Artist; Pierre » Battlestar Galactica
  • Kevin Blank, Visual Effects Supervisor; Jay Worth, Visual Effect Coordinator; Andrew Orloff, Visual Effects Supervisor; Johnathan Banta, 2D Lead Artist; Steve Graves, 3D » Fringe
  • Lee Wilson, Visual Effects Supervisor; Lisa Wilson, Visual Effects Producer; Sebastien Bergeron, Digital Effects Supervisor; Les Quinn, CG Supervisor; Matt Belbin, Visua » Sanctuary (Episode: Sanctuary For All)
Science Fiction Television

Battlestar Galactica Nominations in the 2009 Emmys

Although I loved Battlestar Galactica, and I think the show deserved more awards than it got, I have to say, the ending of the series kind of left me feeling weird about the series. So… when BSG only ended up with 5 nominations in not-so-great categories, I haven’t found myself as disappointed as I might have been and that’s very sad.

Still, the show got 5 nominations—and that’s 5 more nominations than Stargate Atlantis, Eureka, or Dollhouse received! Read on for details.

Science Fiction Television

Chuck Nominated for an Emmy!

What a lovely surprise I discovered today when I was looking over yesterday’s news. I ended up on the Emmy Awards website ( and started typing in the names of my favorite shows in their search box (because they don’t have an easy to read list of Nominees—it’s a dropdown menu mess, but I digress).

If you read much of this blog, you know I’m a huge Chuck fan. I found Chuck in the nominees list in the Outstanding Stunt Coordination category.

Outstanding Stunt Coordination

  • Tom Elliott, Stunt Coordinator » Criminal Minds
  • Merritt Yohnka, Stunt Coordinator » Chuck (Episode: Chuck Versus The First Date)
  • Artie Malesci, Stunt Coordinator » Burn Notice
  • Al Jones, Stunt Coordinator » My Name Is Earl
  • Jeff Cadiente, Stunt Coordinator » 24
Science Fiction Television

What I thought about Warehouse 13’s first episode

Over on the Warehouse 13 Fan blog, I wrote about Warehouse 13’s pilot episode.

I enjoyed it just as much as I thought I would, and that’s a compliment to the show because I had very high expectations.

What did I most like about Warehouse 13 tonight?

  1. Pete‘s humor
  2. The sparks: literal and romantic
  3. Myka‘s uniquely appealing character: she’s something different and I really like that
  4. The pace of the show, fast enough to keep me interested, slow enough that I never lost track of what was happening
  5. Hints of history for the characters so I know these guys and gals have depth (and lots of future episode fodder)

I wrote more. :) If you want to read it, here’s a link: Warehouse 13 off to a bang-up start!

Science Fiction Television

Revisit past Eureka episodes now that Eureka is about to return to TV

I mentioned on Eureka Fan in a blog post that now’s a great time to revisit older episodes of Eureka. That’s still true! Catch up before the last half season premieres on Friday or just watch your favorites. To quote myself:

As the July 10th premiere date gets closer, I’ll probably find myself watching many of the more recent episodes. Now, though, the time is right to watch earlier episodes, those episodes from season one and two that I most loved and that I can’t forget.

I go on to talk about my favorites from season 1 and 2. Go read it at the Eureka Fan blog.

Sci-fi fantasies