Science Fiction Television

The 100 hasn’t been cancelled

The 100The 100 is about “100 young exiles from a dying space station [that] are sent to the planet Earth 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse to see if it’s habitable.”

The premise intrigues me, and since the show hasn’t been cancelled, I think I’ll give it a try. I love post-apocalyptic settings and this sounds like it’s going to have that in abundance (a supposition based on having read some of the descriptions for episodes beyond the Pilot).

I feel kind of lost sometimes about what to post here, because I don’t like writing reviews of single episodes of a show, because I’m just not sure how helpful those kinds of reviews are. I do enjoy writing (and reading) commentary, just not the kind that spans an entire showing of an episode, so maybe I’ll do more of that.

Anyway! I’m just happy to have found another sci-fi show to try that hasn’t been cancelled already.

Science Fiction Television

Orphan Black

I sat down to watch Orphan Black last week, and before I was done, I’d watched the entire first season on Amazon’s Prime Video. The series is sharp and entertaining, and the actress playing the lead, Tatiana Maslany, is excellent. I don’t know that I’ve seen so much range in one person before. Maybe, but I certainly can’t remember off the top of my head.

Here’s the summary of the first episode. If I say much more, I’ll spoil the show.

Sarah, a streetwise hustler on the run, witnesses the suicide of a stranger who looks just like her. Sarah assumes her identity, hoping that cleaning out the dead woman’s bank account will solve all of her problems. Instead, after taking on the new identity, Sarah quickly finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy and must race to find answers.

—From Natural Selection (Episode 1, Orphan Black)

If you haven’t heard of this one, check it out. I couldn’t stop watching once I’d started.


Teen Wolf’s Season Ender Still Has Me Puzzled

If you haven’t watched the season finale of Teen Wolf: WARNING, there are spoilers ahead.

I’m puzzled. Not about the show, although that last scene raised my eyebrows as I had a half-second flash of What? Was it all a dream? before my brain caught up and I realized that probably wasn’t what was happening at all.

No, I’m puzzled about how I feel about it all. I don’t know. I kind of expected something better. The little bardo thing felt kind of, uh, lame? I don’t know. I wasn’t thrilled with it, I guess. I had seriously hoped Scott was going to show he had some more hidden cleverness tucked away in his brain somewhere. I adore poor Scott but it’s pretty clear he isn’t much more than a bleeding heart without his friends. Maybe I just need to watch it again—but I don’t feel like it. Not right now anyway.

So, some thoughts

Danny knowing about werewolves. Cute. Maybe too cute.

Scott’s dad sticking around, possibly. I’m good with that.

Isaac not returning (picked that up from an interview, not from the season ending episode). Eh, ambivalent. I can see why the character might choose to stay away, so I’m sure it will work fine for the show. But I’m going to seriously miss Isaac. He brought a lot of humor to the show!

Derek … getting shot?! No!!! Typically, the end of season cliffhangers haven’t been that big and this one is going to torture me all spring, until the show returns in late June. Argh!

On the other hand, I can see Kate’s return as something quite interesting, although without Allison there, I’m not sure it’ll be more than Ooh, goody, a strong villainess!

And if Derek dies, well, I’m gonna bail. That sounds mean, but there are a few characters on this show that if they died, I don’t think I’d care how it was handled, I’d quit watching. Of course, the show runners can do what they want, so I’m not saying this for any other reason than that it just wouldn’t be the same for me and I admit, I tend to lose faith in shows quickly when too many changes happen too quickly.

My list of no-go characters on Teen Wolf

  • Scott McCall (of course!)
  • Stiles Stilinski
  • Sheriff Stilinski
  • Melissa McCall
  • Derek Hale (gotta have at least one born werewolf and he’s my pick)

I’ll miss many others if they depart, but I’d live, and I’d keep watching. (I lived through Jackson’s departure, and I’m accepting of Allison’s death, and those were huge, as far as I’m concerned.) :D

Get rid of any of those people above, and I’d have to think long and hard before I’d be even possibly interested in keeping up with the show.

Any thoughts?


Fantasy Television

Teen Wolf: I Saw It Coming and I Still Flinched

Who didn’t see the end of Teen Wolf’s “Silverfinger” coming? Who watched it and still screamed out at the TV like the girl that she is?

That’d be me.

I’m spoiling the episode below so if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read on.

Here’s a description of the episode “Silverfinger” just so you have a little eye-room before I spill the goods.

Scott’s friends pledge to protect him against him against an increasingly hostile enemy while Argent, Isaac and Allison search for answers through an old adversary from the Japanese Yakuza. At the same time, Stiles enlists Melissa’s help in figuring out exactly what’s going on with him.

Stiles in the HospitalIn an awesome display of incredible acting, Dylan O’Brien completely sold me on Stiles’ possession by a cold-eyed demon/spirit. Honestly, I knew he was a good actor, but the scene really blew me away. It’s no wonder his career seems to be heating up. The guy can act.

What a great boon to Teen Wolf.

I loved the episode for several reasons, but this last scene—this was the kicker. I’m salivating for the next episode, so I know someone did their job.

Teen Wolf is still a fantastic series. I hope this thing goes on for years.



Eureka! Only One Episode Behind on Grimm

…and I’m saving it for Christmas Eve. I love Christmas themed shows, especially around the holidays.

My favorite Christmas themed series show EVER? Eureka’s special cartoon Christmas episode: Do You See What I See?! If you’ve never watched this episode, you should definitely take the time. It is still my favorite and I have a feeling it will stay my favorite for many years to come.

If you have Prime at Amazon, you can watch it now. If you don’t, both a standard definition and HD version is available for purchase.

Seriously, the episode’s a classic already.

Sheriff Carter (Colin Ferguson) and Allison Blake (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) are secretly planning the perfect holiday surprise for their kids. But a mysterious kaleidoscopic wave of color crashes over Eureka, leaving the entire town and its inhabitants animated. The episode features a stellar line up of guest stars lending their voices to a variety of characters, including Emmy Award-winner Jim Parsons, Edward James Olmos, Chris Parnell and Matt Frewer.

My original review of the episode (from my old eureka fan site)

Do You See What I See? has the entire town of Eureka (with a few exceptions) becoming animated. With the help of a Super Photon Generator and a little something extra, Carter, Allison, & the gang end up living out their own cartoon in one of the most inspired, funny, and memorable Christmas episodes I’ve seen from any television series, ever.

Several different styles of animation made an appearance in the episode (see the images to the right), and although I can tell them apart when I see them, I have no expertise when it comes to animation and cartoons so I don’t know enough to identify the techniques or styles. I do know there was traditional drawn animation and stop-motion clay animation in the episode.

Whoever came up with this idea was truly inspired. Although I do generally enjoy holiday specials from the TV shows I watch, I can’t say that I always rewatch in future years. In this case, I see lots of future repeats for myself and my family.

And some screenshots from the show.

Eureka Cartoon 1 Eureka Cartoon 2 Eureka Cartoon 3 Eureka Cartoon 4 Eureka Cartoon 5

Television Tie-in Merchandise

More Grimm Goodies

I have to say, I like the playing cards best, although the lunch box is just awesome. And the bust of Nick wins for top oddity in the bunch. I haven’t figured out what the Grimm Warlock series is just yet, but I sure do know what I could use those shot glasses for!

[They’re all gone now. Gotta be quick with the merchandise if you’re a fan/collector, because once a show is no longer airing it goes fast!]

Books Television Tie-in Merchandise

All Those Grimm Comics…

As someone who knows diddly about comics, I’m just going to throw it out there that I have no idea what “Photo Subscription Variant” means. But these are some awesome covers. I kind of like the photo covers, but I actually like the drawings best.

Grimm #2

Grimm #2 (Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #3 (Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #4

Grimm #4 (Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #5

Grimm #5 (Exclusive Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #6

Grimm #6 (Exc Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #7

Grimm #7 (Exc Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #8

Grimm #8 (Photo Subscription Variant)

Grimm #9

Grimm #9 (Photo Subscription Variant)

So does this mean they really are comics and not graphic novels? Yeah, I still don’t know the difference.

Books Television Tie-in Merchandise

Grimm: The Ultimate Companion Coming in … March 2014? You’re Kidding, Right?

Who doesn’t want an ultimate companion for a beloved show? But, uh, there’s a problem with this one, for Grimm. The book doesn’t come out until March 2014. Seems kind of … delayed. Or slow. Or maybe short-sighted is a better word. Or maybe there’s something in the book that can’t be there until the show has aired most of season 3. Or maybe they know something we don’t and the series is almost over and this will be the final word on all the Grimm goodness to be found on ABC this season.

Or maybe I’m stretching, like a short person for the toilet paper in Walmart (could it really get any higher up on the shelves?). It just seems to me that the best time to release something like this is when the series is just getting started with a new season. I mean, I believe there’ll be another season to come after this one, but the reality is, it isn’t guaranteed, at least as far as I know it’s not. Then again, maybe I don’t know a lot. Except that I’m short, and that Walmart hates short people. Thank God for Amazon.

So, here it is anyway. Just remember, you can pre-order if you want, but that’s going to be one long wait…

The book claims to be a 176 page paperback and it certainly does have a pretty cover. I might buy it just for that. Not that the picture is anything special (seriously, it’s the same one used on the comic book unless it gets changed), but just the way it’s put together with the title and the flourishes. Like I said, it’s pretty.

A full behind-the-scenes guide to the show, from costumes to special effects to make up and more, with exclusive production designs and images direct from the ABC studios!

Acclaimed show runners David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf reveal all about the development and ongoing creation of the show.

Read interviews with the entire cast of the show, including David Giuntoli (lead character Nick), Silas Weir Mitchell (Monroe), Bitsie Tulloch (Juliette Silverton) and more!


Available from the publisher at Penguin Random House

Books Television Tie-in Merchandise

Aunt Marie’s Book of Lore; More Grimm Goodness On the Way

On November 8, Aunt Marie’s Book of Lore is going to be available. You can get it now of course, but if you do, you won’t actually get it; it’ll be a pre-order.

Grimm: Aunt Marie's Book of Lore

Billed as “the real book of monsters,” it seems to me to be a clever little tie-in with the series that the more die-hard fans will get a kick out of. I love the idea of it, and I hope it lives up to the description that I’ve quoted below.


This in-universe book explores the monsters, weapons and potions in Grimm with detailed pictures and descriptions. The book is Aunt Marie’s recording of the supernatural creatures she and her fellow Grimms have to defeat!

Inspired by the classic Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales, Grimm is a cop-drama with a twist! A detective discovers he has the ability to see supernatural beings, including a reformed ‘Big Bad Wolf’ and the witch-like Hexebiester, along with many others.

And holy crap. Somebody thinks they’re going to like it…

Aunt Marie's Book of Lore Amazon rank (Nov 3, 2013)
Screencap: November 3, 2013

So there you go. Just one more thing to spend money on if you like Grimm.

Titan Books; November 8, 2013; 128 Page 11×8 Inch Paperback

You can find this book at most online book stores.

Books Television Tie-in Merchandise

Comic or Graphic Novel? You Tell Me. Grimm, Volume 1

Honest to God, I don’t really know the difference between comics and graphic novels, since neither are something I usually read. However, this is Grimm, and God knows I’ve about become obsessed with this show. Whatever it is, it has 112 pages.

See? Here are some screenshots of the interior. Beware, these screenshots could contain spoilers, so keep that in mind!


Comic or graphic novel? Is there really a difference? I’m all for someone enlightening me on this issue.

Grimm Volume 1

Grimm, Volume 1

Never-before-told stories, set in the world of the acclaimed NBC series, Grimm, by the show creators themselves! Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt, joined by his mother Kelly, Hank, and Monroe, uncover family secrets long buried during their adventure in Europe. Hunted by Verrat soldiers, their quest to destroy the Coins of Zakynthos reveals dark secrets and promises death for a member of the cast!

From the sample pages on Amazon, it sounds like there’s going to be a lot of Nick’s kicking-ass mom in this book, and of course, a revisit of the Coins of Zakynthos myth from season 1 and season 2.

Available on November 19.

Sci-fi fantasies